Build The Strategy.
Get The Results.

Use a pro golf competition strategy to drive marketing results in your business

Professional golfers don’t just show up to the first tee on the day of competition and start playing. They have studied the course in advance of their event and built a game plan on how to play the course to their best advantage. You can (and should) be doing the same in marketing your business.

Jennifer Layman is a speaker, author and advisor on small business marketing. She opened her business after a competitive career as a golf professional. She found  that the strategy to compete in pro events was built on the same framework for what it takes to succeed in business. Now she’s sharing that with small business owners around the world.

An Inside-The-Ropes Speaker

Golf and business have always been great partners: here’s one more way that’s true

Whether it’s raising money for charity, securing client relationships or adding to an event experience, the connection between golf and business has always been strong. On the professional side of the sport, the players have different swings, different strengths and different clubs, yet, they each compete in every event.

Guess what happens when you apply that thinking to business…

Speaking + Workshops

Book Jennifer to share her unique golf-business framework at your next event. Perfect for an audience of decision-makers, business owners and achievement-oriented professionals who want to move ahead of the competition.

Advisory Consulting

Work one-on-one with Jennifer and take full advantage of how thinking like a pro will drive results in your business. An external perspective can be exactly what you need to move with confidence towards the goals you know you can achieve.

Get the book that makes small business marketing so much easier

Here are some reader thoughts on the book:

Reviewer: Easy To Read

This book presents many scenarios and strategies for effectively marketing your business. It uses clear and accessible language to cover a wide range of marketing challenges.

Reviewer: A Small Business Marketing Guide

At the beginning of the book, the author tells us that “Marketing involves three things: saying the right thing to the right people at the right time.” She then promises that the book will discuss how to do all three. She meets that promise.

Reviewer: Short & Sweet Chapters

Perfect for any business owner looking to level up their marketing but feels overwhelmed by the process. It’s a quick guide about making decisions without wasting your time.